About Amanda

About Amanda 2015

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw

I love to cook. I love to eat. I love to share tongue-pleasing recipes with anyone who will listen. However, the average person can only handle so much food talk. Insert blog. An opportunity to share with the whole world, or at least whoever wishes to listen. I am working out of a small, no-frills kitchen, so if I can cook these recipes, anyone can.

My name is Amanda and I live in beautiful Alberta, Canada in a little old house with my golden lab, Bella. I work in a hospital by day, and by night, I love to get creative in the kitchen! Growing up, the women in my family were always in the kitchen. I have many fond memories of baking with my Nana (my grandmother) and my mom and aunties. I come by my sweet tooth honestly, and baking is one of my favorite ways to unwind. There is something reassuring about the reliable science of baking – the fact that you can combine certain ingredients in particular quantities, set your oven to a specific temperature, and in a matter of minutes those ingredients create magic together.

I was introduced to the world of recipe blogs by my friend Rachel, and fell in love with the idea of creating delicious dishes, taking pretty photos, and sharing recipes and stories with other food fanatics. I started Once Upon a Recipe in the fall of 2010 as a way to write and share about one of my favorite things – food! The name “Once Upon a Recipe” emphasizes the idea that in the kitchen you can create any kind of food fairytale that you like – your kitchen is your oyster!

I am so very happy that you’re here – thanks for stopping by!

With love,
