Hello Again + Fresh Spiced Pear Cider

Fresh Spiced Pear Cider | Once Upon a Recipe

Hello my friends!

It seems that this ol’ blog took an unintended yet sort-of needed Summer vacation. While I do apologize, I don’t regret it. For the last couple of months, I’ve been lacking in the inspiration department. And although I made a number of dishes and treats that I wanted to share, something always seemed to get in the way of me completing a proper blog post – even something as simple as being too hungry to stop and snap a few pretty photos. And being the perfectionist that I am, throwing together a half-assed post just didn’t feel right to me.

Fresh Spiced Pear Cider | Once Upon a Recipe

For the past few days I’ve been down with a bad cold and while being sick is never my preference, it gave me the opportunity – actually, forced me – to ditch on some of my regular responsibilities and just relax. And do you want to know what I did? (Aside from binge-re-watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix) I stepped into my kitchen and I created. It was glorious.

Friends, I think I have my mojo back.

Fresh Spiced Pear Cider | Once Upon a Recipe

First up – juice!

Last week, I was contacted and invited to participate in Williams-Sonoma Juice Week. This week’s theme is Juices That Bite Back.

Typically, I like to incorporate juicing into my morning routine. I’ve shared my favorite green juice recipe here already and green juice is definitely my go-to juice. However, every now and then I like to switch things up and make a fresh juice cocktail. (If you haven’t tried these fresh citrus margaritas, you must make doing so a priority). Earlier this week, it snowed. Yes, frozen white stuff actually fell from the sky and it was much too cold for early September, even by Alberta standards. Thankfully temperatures have shot back up again and we are enjoying more seasonally appropriate weather (I wore shorts today!), but the cold snap has changed my focus to fall and winter recipes.

And after drinking what felt like my hundredth cup of tea this weekend in an effort to soothe my sore throat, I decided to put my juicer to use and make a warm beverage with the flavors of Fall. This fresh pear cider is spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, and is given a nice little kick by one of my most favorite juice ingredients – ginger. I almost always include ginger in my juices – I just love the zip it adds. And I have yet to meet a drink that wasn’t improved by the addition of booze, so I added some brandy. Just a quick little glug, and you’re good to go. Of course, if brandy isn’t your thing, feel free to use something different, or leave it out altogether.

Fresh Spiced Pear Cider | Once Upon a Recipe

As I’ve mentioned before, I use this juicer, but there are many other available juicers – do your research and figure out which juicer is best for you! And make sure you give this cider a try – it’s super delicious and healthy too!

Fresh Spiced Pear Cider

A warm, spicy, delicious, and healthy cider – perfect to warm you up on a chilly Fall evening! Makes about four 3/4 cup servings. Double or triple if desired. 

4 pears

2 apples (ie. Golden Delicious)

1 lemon

1 thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger

2 cinnamon sticks

1 tsp. whole cloves

Pinch of nutmeg

1/2 to 1-ounce brandy (optional)

Juice the pears, apples, lemon, and ginger. Put the fresh juice into a saucepan, add the spices, and heat through. Pour into glasses, add brandy if desired. Sip and enjoy!

Fresh Spiced Pear Cider | Once Upon a Recipe

Have a wonderful week, friends!


  1. It actually snowed in September? Wow! That’s like the opposite of Australia. Here it’s early Spring of course but today is like a hot summer’s day.
    Anyway, enough of the weather talk. Love the idea of this warm cider! I love hot alcohol in cold weather and this sounds really interesting!

  2. Welcome back, we missed you! Sorry you’ve been sick but this looks like a delicious way to ease a sore throat. Happy Fall my friend xoxo

  3. Yay for taking breaks! Sometimes you just need to reboot! This juice looks perfect for long days under a blanket! Feel better friend!

  4. I could really use a cup or two of this since I’m fighting a little cold right now. It looks very comforting!


  1. […] Spiced Pear Cider – I love this seasonal twist on cider! […]

  2. […] Spiced Pear Cider – I love this seasonal twist on cider! […]

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