Starting Fresh | My Favorite Green Juice

My Favorite Green Juice | Once Upon a Recipe

Happy New Year, friends! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas filled with good food and good people. I’ll also high-five you if you had one too many cocktails last night while ringing in the new year.

As per ushe, the new year brings new goals and new resolutions. Without fail, I make a resolution to take better care of myself/eat healthier/exercise more/yada yada yada every. single. year. And this year is no different!

I’ve been juicing semi-regularly since the Summer, when I bought my juicer. But my goal for January is to make fresh juice more of a regular habit. I have tried a few different green juice recipes, but this one is my current favorite/go-to juice.

My Favorite Green Juice | Once Upon a Recipe

Look at all of that good stuff up there! The spinach gives you a dose of greens, the apples lend a little sweetness, and the lemon and ginger give it a little punch. If you’re new to green juice, this is a great recipe to start with since it’s not overpowering in the green department. You can also sub in different fruits and veggies, depending on what you have on hand. For example, kale makes a great substitute for the spinach, and pears are a great replacement for the apples.

My Favorite Green Juice | Once Upon a Recipe Β  My Favorite Green Juice | Once Upon a Recipe

A glass of this green juice will most definitely start your day (and year) off on the right foot. Let’s all jump into health this year. Green juice balances out wine, chocolate, and cookies, which basically means you can consume more of all of the above. Winning!

My Favorite Green Juice

This recipe will make about 30 ounces of juice, depending on your juicer. Perfect to enjoy a glass the day that you make it, and sip on the second glass the next day. Sharing is also an option. Serves 2.Β 

2 big handfuls of baby spinach

1 large cucumber

2 stalks of celery

2 Granny Smith apples

Half a lemon, peel removed

A chunk of ginger

Be sure to wash all of the fruit and vegetables well and cut into pieces that will fit into your juicer. Get your juice on! Enjoy immediately over ice. Store any remaining juice in an airtight container in the fridge. Consume within 24 hours.

My Favorite Green Juice | Once Upon a Recipe

Happy 2014 my dear readers! I hope this next year is filled with much love, adventure, health, and happiness for all of you. Cheers! xo


  1. Looks so delicious, Amanda! Perfect start to a new year! Look forward to seeing you at the Juicery in 2014!

  2. Love the ginger in here! Happy New Year!

  3. I have a hard time coming up with ideas with cucumbers, so this helps a bunch!

  4. Mmmmm I’m such fan of green juice. I like adding bananas in for extra oomph!!

  5. I love green juice! I’m trying to become a little more healthier this year, this such get the ball rolling!

  6. Love it! This sounds super refreshing! Pinned!

  7. Happy New Year!! Here’s to making the same goals over and over πŸ˜‰ I often make one about not over-eating when I go out for dinner, but alas, it is a lost cause. A juicing habit seems like a good way to get some extra greens in morning.

  8. sprinklesandsauce says

    Green juice is all we need right now! πŸ™‚

  9. I haven’t quite made up my mind on juicing yet… I feel like it’s a lot like making a smoothie but leaving out all the healthy fibre. That is provided you aren’t making your smoothies with unhealthy things, like ice cream… πŸ˜‰

    • I think there are pros to both juicing and smoothies, and that it’s definitely a good idea to be informed and pick the best option for you! I feel like juicing is a little easier on the digestive system, so sometimes giving my system a bit of a break helps me to feel a bit lighter.

  10. I’ve been big into juicing lately with the new years resolutions in full effect! πŸ™‚ Check out the healthy thin mint shake I made over at!

  11. The Green Star takes longer to use and clean up, but it’s still amazing and well worth the money (and the time if you have it).


  1. […] {from top to bottom 1/2/3/4/5} […]

  2. […] I like to incorporate juicing into my morning routine. I’ve shared my favorite green juice recipe here already and green juice is definitely my go-to juice. However, every now and then I […]

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