For Todd (and Rufus) | Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream

Cinnamon Peach Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

This post is for Todd. Todd who, you ask? Well, I wish I could tell you.

You see friends, I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. I will spare you the details, but as any of you who have also experienced the frightening event that is a car accident can attest, a car accident has the ability to shake you up a bit. This wasn’t a simple fender bender, this was a crash that killed my car. (My car’s name was Rufus, and may he rest in peace). Thankfully, no one was seriously injured and both myself and the other driver walked away relatively unharmed. And at the end of the day, that is all that matters. A car is a car, and cars can be replaced.

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

Todd was the gentleman who stopped and helped me at the scene of the accident. He arrived on the scene about a minute after it happened – after numerous drivers who would have witnessed the accident zoomed on by. Todd called 9-1-1 as I had become a bit useless due to shock. Todd held my pup, Bella for me while I spoke to the police officers and medical personnel. (Bella had been in the car with me, as we were on our way to the dog park. Fortunately, she was not hurt either.). Todd called his wife and told her he was going to be late for dinner. When I protested and begged him to carry on with his evening, he refused. Todd told me that he would not leave until he knew someone was there with me and that everyone was ok. Todd sat with me on the side of the busy freeway for two hours. Todd told me that everything would be ok.

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

When my mom arrived, and Todd finally succumbed to my pleas for him to go home to his wife and eat (a now cold) dinner, I was so focused on thanking him profusely for his time, his kindness, his compassion – I failed to get his last name. And wouldn’t you know it, there are a lot of Todds out there. I have been unable to locate this particular gem of a Todd, but if I could, I would tell him – in a more coherent and calm manner than I did that evening – just how thankful I am that he was driving down the road that day and took the time to stop to help me.

Friends, it’s true when they say that the little things in life are what count. And for me, this complete stranger who stopped to help a very panicked girl and her dog – he counts. And I can promise that the next time I find myself in a situation where helping someone out might inconvenience me, even for a couple of minutes (nevermind hours), I will remember Todd. And I will pay his kindness forward.

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

And to my dear Rufus (my wonderful little blue Mazda 3) – thank you for saving me. You done good.

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

This ice cream is nothing short of amazing. I have read many wonderful things about Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, but unfortunately Jeni’s ice creams are not available here in Canada. So when I came across a recipe for Jeni’s ice cream base, I knew I had to try it. The recipe yields a rich and creamy ice cream, and I can’t wait to experiment with different flavor combinations. But for my first attempt, I decided to pair it with one of my favorite summer fruits – peaches! The final result tastes just like peach pie a la mode, minus the pastry part. I’m tempted to try this recipe again with pie crust cookie chunks! In any case, the long and short of it is that this is a perfect summer ice cream recipe.

To Todd! And all of the other “Todds” out there – thank you.

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream (ice cream base from by Jeni Britton, and peach cinnamon swirl adapted from A Cozy Kitchen)

For the ice cream:

2 cups whole milk
4 tsp. cornstarch
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
2/3 cup sugar
2 tbsp. light corn syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. cream cheese, softened

Combine 1/4 cup of the milk and the cornstarch in a small bowl and mix well; set slurry aside. In a large saucepan, whisk together the remaining milk along with the cream, sugar, corn syrup, and salt. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook for 4 minutes, then add in the slurry. Return to a boil and cook, stirring, until thickened, for about 2 minutes. In a large bowl, combine the cream cheese with about 1/4 cup of the hot milk mixture and whisk until smooth, then whisk in the remaining milk mixture. Cover the bowl and refrigerate until the mixture is chilled, or overnight. Churn the ice cream in your ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions (mine took about 25 minutes).

For the peach cinnamon swirl:

4 peaches (about 2 pounds)
1/4 cup white granulated sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon + a pinch of salt

Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add in the peaches and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Remove the peaches from the water and allow to cool enough to handle. Remove the skins and pits and cut the peaches into bite-size pieces. Add the peaches, the sugar, and the cinnamon and salt to a saucepan and cook over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes, or until the peaches have broken down and the mixture is thick. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.

Layer the ice cream and peach mixture in a container. Cover with plastic wrap and allow the plastic to touch the ice cream – this will help prevent ice crystals from forming. Freeze for at least 2-4 hours. Scoop and enjoy!

Peach Cinnamon Swirl Ice Cream | Once Upon a Recipe

Have a lovely weekend! xo


  1. Naw! your poor thing!! Glad to hear your ok 🙂
    Also if the world where a little more “todd like” I think everyone would be a little happier.

  2. auntie c says

    yea to Todd! What a wonderful guy! His wife is a lucky one!!
    Making some of this this weekend P??

  3. This sounds delicious! Also, your pictures are SO good!!

  4. Really nice story, good job Todd! What a great guy. Your story made my day, I love hearing when people help each other out.

  5. Amazing story! At least you’re ok! This ice cream looks so delicious and full of flavor..! Cinnamon gives a depth of flavor to that ice cream!

  6. So glad you and your pup are ok! Car accidents are truly frightening. And jeez, Todd. What a nice guy. And nice doesn’t seem like enough of a word for him! So glad he was there for you during all this.

    AND this ice cream looks absolutely divine. And your photos are lovely! <3 Jeni's ice cream base is my current favorite thing. I've loved every ice cream I've made with it!

    • Thanks Megan! Three cheers for Todd! Nice certainly doesn’t do him justice.
      I can’t wait to make more ice cream with this amazing base recipe!

  7. I’m so glad you’re safe! And I hope that Todd somehow comes across this post!

  8. ya.. it’s me again . You see, this kind lady who writes these lovely blogs is my niece. A very special one at that!! She knows the special place she holds in my heart along with ALL my other niece and nephews.
    Any way..I read this story just before I started work at 4 :30 this morning, and I am just glad I had a couple of hours to compose myself. Yes, this story brought tears to my eyes…spilling over ones that came a second time when I re-read Miss P’s post. Too bad none of those other (looky loos)t sped on by with out another thought. Todd….who ever and where ever you are…thank you from the bottom of my heart for looking after Amanda.
    Love you miss P!!

  9. I love your photography. This ice cream looks amazing. I’m glad you are ok! Celebrating with ice cream is always a good idea.

  10. Oh my goodness! Glad that you are ok. Also glad that there are people like Todd out there willing to help out a stranger and her doggy. Car accidents are scary scary things.

    The ice cream looks absolutely perfect! I’d also heard about her ice cream, but still haven’t tried a recipe.. going to need to fix that!

  11. Oh, Amanda! I’m so sorry to hear about your accident.

    I had a similar situation when I totaled my car in college. This family with two kids stopped on the freeway and waited with me until help arrived. I just mumbled “god bless you!” and stumbled out of their car when the ambulance arrived. I was in a small town and it would have been easy to repay the favor, but they were just passing through. I think about them all the time.

    I’m glad you’re okay. And yes you ARE the prettiest food blogger ever!

    • Aww, how kind of that family! The kindness of others can really make an impact – just think, even now, years later, you still remember what they did for you that day. Kind of a good reminder for us all to be, just…better, you know?
      And girl, you are WAY too kind. I’m seriously blushing! 🙂

  12. Oh darling… I’m so relieved to hear you’re safe! So scary! Thank God for good samaritans like Todd – we need more people like that in this world!

    Moving on, this ice cream is just gorgeous! I think I’d eat two cones 😉

  13. What a wonderful and inspiring story! Who knows? Maybe Todd was once in a similar situation and had someone act so kindly toward him — it’s amazing how these simple acts can have such a huge ripple effect!

    And about the ice cream: I love peach sweets so much in the summertime – – your photos are beautiful 🙂

  14. Amanda, I’m so glad you and your puppy are okay! How scary. Thank goodness for this Todd who helped calm you. So sorry your car has gone to vehicle heaven : ( But most importantly, you’re still here which is what matters!!
    P.S.This ice cream looks delicious!

  15. Aw, he sounds like such a lovely guy! Your recipe looks delicious too; I want to make more ice-cream this summer so this looks like a recipe I might use. x

  16. Oh my gosh, what a frightening ordeal. So glad you are OK! The kindness of strangers can really amaze me sometimes. This is such a lovely tribute to Todd. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Oh my goodness! That must have been so scary! I’m glad everything is ok. This Todd sounds like quite the guy. I love hearing stories of the kindness of strangers.
    This ice cream looks out of this world! I have GOT to make this!

  18. Cinnamon and peach, how WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!

  19. This looks awesome. Thanks for sharing this with us. Also your photography is great. A sheer pleasure to read- thanks.

  20. car accidents are THE WORST, but it’s nice to know that there are helpful people out there. This ice cream sounds amazeballs, I bet Todd would have totally appreciated it.

  21. Oh my god. I have tears in my eyes, sometimes people are the best. I love this story, I’m so happy you’re OK and now I’m totally craving ice cream.

  22. Your photos are FANTASTIC! I’m a GA girl so I have a serious LOVE for peaches! This sounds great and I feel like licking the screen 🙂


  1. […] start with a creamy vanilla base. I used this base from my peach cinnamon swirl ice cream from a few summers ago, but added a vanilla bean for a little oomph. Then you make a quick and […]

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