Year Two | A Blogoversary Giveaway! {CLOSED}

Bonjour friends!

Guess what? In the midst of celebrating my own birthday (plus the birthdays of special friends and Halloween), I missed the two year anniversary of this here blog of mine. Two years! That is total crazy town. While I don’t always have the time to post as often as I’d like, this place has become a safe haven for me – a place where I can share my thoughts (and of course, recipes) and completely be myself. As soon as I figure out a way to squeeze 30 hours of living into 24, this is the first place where I will happily spend more time.

To mark this momentous occasion, I thought I would do a lil’ recap of my top 10 favorite recipes that I’ve posted on the blog so far. Let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

1.Kindness Cookies

2.Banana Bread Oatmeal Pancakes

3.Curried Cream Cheese Dip with Dried Cranberries, Green Onion, and Pine Nuts

4.Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese Tartlets

5.Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips

6.Red Lotus Martini

7.Nana’s Cinnamon Buns

8.Cranberry Oat Scones

9.Mac ‘N’ Cheese, Your Way

10.Chocolate Skor Cookie Dough Toasted Marshmallow Cupcakes

And now, onto the real reason you’re all here, the giveaway! Without you, this blog would be nothing. YOU are the reason I write, share, and vent the often ridiculous contents of my brain. You’re all gems, and to thank you, I want to give you all the chance to win this little diddy of a gift – some of my favorite kitchen tools and treats!

What you see here…

1. Stainless steel measuring spoons. To get those cupcakes/cookies/cakes juuuuuust right.

2. Two deliciously soft grey microfibre dishtowels (these are great for cleaning glasses).

3. Cute cupcake liners! And good quality too.

4. My favorite spatula by Tovolo – double-ended means double duty. I use this for mixing, scraping, spreading, you name it. Trés fab.

5. The most wonderful olive oil I have ever tasted, from Evoolution, a local boutique olive oil and balsamic vinegar store.

6. My favorite herbal tea, Yogi Egyptian Licorice. (Yogi also gives good advice, as demonstrated in the first photo in this post).

7. Two of my favorite chocolate bars – Sea Salt and Orange Intense, both by Lindt. For those midnight/morning/afternoon chocolate cravings.

Contest is open to residents of Canada and the continental United States. To enter, leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite kitchen item is. 

For additional entries: 1) Subscribe to Once Upon a Recipe, 2) “Like” Once Upon a Recipe on Facebook, 3) Follow “@onceuponarecipe” on Instagram, and/or 4) Follow onceuponarecipe on Pinterest, and leave me an additional comment telling me that you did so (for each additional item). Deadline for entries is Friday, Nov. 16 at noon MDT. One winner will be chosen at random. 

*Disclosure: This contest is sponsored by me, myself, and I, along with my deep affection for you lovely peoples!

More recipes to come soon friends! Happy Tuesday! xoxo


  1. My fave kitchen item is my cuisinart bread machine! I dont have a fish spatula … but my friend has one and it changed her life! I should prob invest in a fish spatula too!
    happy anniversary!

  2. Love you P! Favorite item is the double sided spatula, and my “OVE GLOVE”
    They even go camping with me!!XOXO

  3. I’ve never seen the double sided spatula and am totally intrigued. Alas, until I am able to win it I shall enjoy my garlic press most of all… or my denby ceramic coated/cast iron stove to oven covered roaster… or my rigid silicone lined whisk/scraper… or… I could go on. There needs to be a “kitchen gadget anonymous” to help me.

  4. Happy Anniversary! My favorite kitchen item is my little piggy finger mitts – I have tiny hands and it’s hard for me to grab onto pots/pans with the full oven mitts.

  5. My over all fav is my” kitchen aide mixmaster.” but is suppose depending on the day,today might be a kitchen thermometer and a piece of good cheesecloth. Making cheese later. Great Blog Amanda.

  6. I love a bowl/ pitcher from Pampered Chef that I received as a gift. It is so useful for so many different things.

  7. I believe my favorite kitchen item is my trusty wooden spoon. It has followed me from college to single girl to married to married with children and I’m sure eventually grandchildren… but not too soon! I’m sure I grab for it multiple times each day and it only gets better with more use, be it for cooking or baking. Happy Anni!

  8. My favorite kitchen item is my blender 🙂

  9. Already follow you blog!

  10. Just liked your FB page – kamila gornia

  11. Just followed you on Pinterest

  12. Followed on Instagram

  13. Great looking blog! My favorite tool is my graduated glass with tablespoon, cup, and oz. measurements. I use it all the time!

  14. Following your blog!

  15. Following you on pinterest!

  16. Following your instagram!

  17. Liking you on Facebook!

  18. Emelie Quennell says

    I can not live without my Wusthoff Santuko knife

  19. My favorite kitchen item is my kitchen aid Mixer we got several years ago. I love it and use it so much for so many things from making cookies, beating meringue, to making pizza dough.

  20. My favorite kitchen item are my Henkel knives.

  21. TheRachelSyn says

    I agree with Emelie – I also have Wustof Santoku knife and it is by far my favourite kitchen tool. Love the blog, Amanda! Some of my favourite recipes from here include the magic morning muffins and the larabar brownie bites – both of which get made frequently! Happy 2 years to your sweet blog!

  22. Amanda Thompson says

    I love my KitchenAid Stand Mixer!!

  23. Amanda Thompson says

    I subscribe to Once Upon a Recipe via email 🙂

  24. Congratulations on 2 years!! Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to find time for that which makes us the happiest… like our blogs. Always worth it though. And lovely giveaway! That spatula looks awesome, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that. My favorite kitchen item would have to be my Kitchenaid mixer. It’s just so loyal and consistent! And concerning those extra votes I subscribe to you through google reader and I follow you on pinterest. 😉

    And I love the top ten recap– those cinnamon buns are just calling my name! They look perfect.

  25. Happy anniversary! My favorite kitchen items are my Wusthof knives – got them as a gift and LOVE them:)

  26. Happy Anniversary!!!!

  27. Thanks for the amazing recipes and hilarious diatribes! My fav kitchen item is probably my simple lever-operated lemon juicer! Having fresh lemons or limes makes such a different to a salad or even a glass of water. Simple pleasures, right? 🙂

  28. Happy blog anniversary! It’s so fun to look through old posts and pick favorites. Added those banana bread pancakes to my to-make list:)

    My favorite kitchen tool is my bench scraper. Essential for bread making, and it makes cleaning up flour and other baking stuff from my counters so easy.

  29. Gotta on pinterest!!

  30. Hi Amanda, Congratulations on the 2 years of blogging 🙂
    My favorite kitchen item would have to be my bread machine…hum the smell of fresh baking bread in the morning. There is just nothing better!

  31. Subscribed to Once upon a recipe

  32. HAPPY birthday! 🙂 Happy blog birthday!! 🙂 I love that we both missed (haha, i typed “kissed”) our blogs birthdays. makes me feel better about myself. lol.

    i love my food processor. its my kitchen’s best friend. second only to my wine glass. as long as there’s vino in it 😉

  33. My favourite kitchen item is my kettle. I love my tea every day.

  34. i like you on facebook (and in life!)

  35. …and i don’t know why i didn’t have you on pinterest but i do now 🙂 happy birthday love!

  36. Subscribed

  37. Liked on Facebook

  38. My favorite kitchen utensil would have to be my bread knife. Gotta love my carbs!

  39. My Kitchenaid Stand Alone Mixer!

  40. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy getting your updates and look forward to your recipes! I have to agree with many on the Kitchen Aid mixer. My husband bought it for me for Christmas a few years ago and although I wasn’t overly impressed at the time (he fluctuates from extravagant to functional gifts like barbecues, jewelry, golf clubs, running shoes)…. I. love. it. and use it almost daily.
    p.s. your #3 dip recipe is our most favourite thing ever.

  41. Oh my goodness, I must try “Kindness Cookies” – totally pinning that one! 🙂 Happy belated birthday and happy blogiversary too! “:)

  42. Kirsten Schmidt says

    Favorite kitchen “item” is a good friend who likes to cook and bake nice things for me 🙂 I also really like my spatula…not the same as yours but awesome!

  43. Kirsten Schmidt says

    I follow you on pinterest! Woo Hoo!

  44. Kirsten Schmidt says

    I loooove your facebook page! 🙂 🙂

  45. Kirsten Schmidt says

    I also follow you on instagram…I can taste that chocolate now 😉 Maybe I’ll be taking some sweet pictures of my loot when I win that prize! Ha ha.

  46. By far, my favorite kitchen item is a pineapple corer. What a brilliant contraption it is! I hate cutting up pineapple but the corer is the best!!!

    Love your blog lady, makes my mouth water everytime! Love ya!

  47. So happy to be joining this gastronomic community-congratulations Amanda!

  48. Happy Blogoversary! goodgolly I just found you and I love your top 10 list! I will definitely be exploring it.
    My favorite kitchen item is my dad’s apron. He was a fantabulous chef and handed down his favorite apron to me about a year ago. It’s one of my most cherished things. 🙂

  49. My favorite kitchen item is probably a kitchenaid stand mixer! love your recipes!

  50. michelle schuh says

    Wonderful blog and recipes, my favorite kitchen item is my Le Crueset cast iron dutch oven. I have had it for years and you can do anything with it. Best of all is goes stove top to oven for pasta sauce, baked beans, etc.

  51. My favorite kitchen appliance…I’d say the oven. I do all sorts of the things in there.

  52. My favorite kitchen item is…wine…I have a glass with me at all times that I drink as I cook and bake…oh… and my oven mits… 🙂 I love your Blog and you have inspired me to cook and bake much more often and with a lot more imagination and ideas than I used to. Keep up the great work friend 🙂

  53. My favourite kitchen item is a cookie scoop! I love it for making cookies–keeps my hands clean and my cookies the same size!

  54. My favorite kitchen item would have to be the crock pot! Im sure someone else said this but I absolutely love putting things in it and then having them ready much later in the day 🙂 Talk about no mess!! One of these days I will figure out how to do a Paula Deene recipe while keeping my kitchen clean like..Paula Deene! haha thanks for shot at giveaway!

  55. oh and I liked you, follow you on pinterest, and just joined your board ! sorry I dont have instagram 🙁

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